EXPOSED: Plot to Falsely Link Hunter Biden to Pedophilia and Sex Trafficking

Brian & Eddie Krassenstein
3 min readOct 20, 2020


Over the last week, a far-right plot, orchestrated by Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon, has begun to play out. Following in the footsteps of the 2016 Wikileaks data dump in the final days before the election, Bannon and Giuliani have been pushing out a slew of unverified documents, images and text messages alluding to crimes by Hunter and Joe Biden. What America doesn’t realize quite yet is that this is just the tip of the disinformation iceberg, that the two men, as well as foreign entities, plan to push out in the coming days.

Approximately 10 weeks ago, in early August, a source close to both Bannon and Giuliani began providing us information regarding the #SavetheChildren hashtag, immediately pointing out that there is more to the hashtag than meets the eye. At first, the source, who has requested to remain anonymous, told us that there is an “orchestrated effort by foreign entities, partially coordinated by those close to the president, in which they will link child sex trafficking and pedophilia to the Biden family.” The source went on to tell us that those pushing the ‘#savethechildren’ hashtag, which publicized legitimate child sex stories as well as false and embellished stories into the streams of American social media accounts, were “seeking to condition the American electorate before releasing forged and modified documents related to the 2020 election.”

As seen in the following email we sent to Will Sommer at the Daily Beast, as well as multiple tweets posted weeks and months ago by H. Krassenstein (my wife), we were aware of this plot well before any of it took shape publicly.

Email sent from Brian Krassenstein to William Sommer of the Daily Beast on September 9, 2020.
Tweet above is from @HKrassenstein (my wife) dated August 15, 2020
Tweet from @HKrassenstein (my wife) dated October 1, 2020
Tweet from @HKrassenstein (my wife) dated October 4, 2020

Our source believes that the plan was to first release “less salacious emails, both legitimate and doctored, as well as photos and documents regarding Hunter Biden,” let the right wing media embellish them and slowly push them out before dumping information and disinformation as well as images which suggest that the Vice President’s son was involved in child sex acts, among other revolting behavior. The material would be “timed for maximum impact,” likely within “24 hours of the final presidential debate,” giving Joe Biden little time to react publicly.

Over the course of the last two months we have contacted both Giuliani and Bannon, alluding to the information presented in this article. Both have refused to deny the allegations or provide a rebuttal, as of the time this story had been published.

Back in August, Facebook began throttling posts using the #Savethechildren hashtag because they discovered that there was an organized effort by QAnon to push out debunked information.

“We are taking steps to address evidence that QAnon adherents are increasingly using the issue of child safety and hashtags like #savethechildren to recruit and organize,” Facebook stated.

Our source has provided us with a trove of information on the current plot to falsely link Hunter Biden and his father to pedophilia. All indications are that this plot will move forward within the coming days. Both Bannon and Giuliani have been made aware that we have this information, and will publish additional detail in the days to come.

As of early this week, our source has also been in communication with at least one other media outlet.

Note: The Krassensteins were the first to blow the whistle on the false rape allegations against Robert Mueller, as well as the efforts by foreign adversaries to use a US court case to link Ilhan Omar to foreign governments.

